Positive, confident change

Clear Skies Hypnotherapy creates rapid and lasting transformations for

weight loss, anxiety and insomnia

– confidence, fear of public speaking and imposter syndrome

Make rapid and empowering changes to your life
Online or in person services

Home Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Clear Skies Hypnotherapy offers Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) hypnotherapy online or in person in St Leonards, East Sussex.

I’m Sarah Cookson, a clinical hypnotherapist, coach and NLP practitioner, and a former senior leader.  I’m committed to helping people feel stronger and more empowered, to overcome challenges and thrive personally and professionally. 

Meet Sarah

What my clients say

“I truly feel that my RTT session with Sarah is the best treatment I have ever had. From the first interaction, Sarah was so caring and supportive. I have made incredible, positive, lasting changes to my life. I highly recommend Sarah. She is amazing and provides highly personalised care and awesome results!"
“It is hard to express how much Sarah has helped me transform my thinking. I feel totally different. The results were immediate… My confidence has soared. Sarah is a fantastic person, warm and very professional. Both her intelligence and emotional intelligence shine through. I think she’s changed my life!

What can Clear Skies Hypnotherapy help you with?

My RTT hypnotherapy provides fast, effective results for a range of  issues, including

“My RTT session absolutely blew my mind… After 3 weeks I have lost 4kg and feel great!  I have more confidence and am receiving compliments about the way I look.” 


“After the session, I felt liberated, confident, at ease, extremely calm and peaceful.  I feel transformed and ready to take on any challenge life throws my way.”  


“I have been sleeping very well, and waking up refreshed and happy, which is truly wonderful! Thank you Sarah.”


“I have found a whole new sense of purpose. I’m volunteering for projects at work, I’m immune to comments that I used to find crippling and I just feel so much happier and more confident in myself. Thank you Sarah!”


“I had a crippling and physical fear of public speaking.  After one session this was gone. Working with Sarah has given me faith in myself and has been literally life changing.”  


I finally feel comfortable just being myself, knowing I’m doing a great job and I’ve literally stopped comparing myself to others.  It’s fantastic and so liberating.  Totally recommend working with Sarah.”


How you can transform your life

If you have an emotional, habitual or health problem that’s stopping you living the life you want or performing at your best, Clear Skies Hypnotherapy can help.

Just one to two sessions of RTT hypnotherapy can achieve powerful results within weeks or even days.

Often what’s holding us back or frustrating our goals are the beliefs and habits we have buried in our subconscious mind. This is why it is hard to use willpower or rational talk alone to break unhelpful patterns.

RTT hypnotherapy helps you quickly and naturally refocus your subconscious mind so that it is supporting, not sabotaging, your success.  

“The easier you can make it inside your head, the easier it will make things outside your head.”

– Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP

What my clients say

“I was constantly battling to lose weight but I never succeeded until I worked with Sarah. The weight has just dropped off – I am eating better, feel healthy and have totally changed my approach to what I eat for the long term. I literally just don’t fancy junk food any more - which I still find amazing - and am just attracted to healthy foods. I am so grateful I gave this a go – it’s been life changing."
“The confidence and self-belief I gained from working with Sarah has had a massive positive impact in so many different ways. This has been literally life changing for me. I feel able to put myself out of my comfort zone now and I feel really good about myself. I recommend Sarah 100% and can’t express how grateful I am to her. Her techniques really can change your life."

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