
Anxiety Clear Skies Hypnotherapy
Anxiety Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

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Break free from

Anxiety is a really distressing condition. It can make your heart race, tie your stomach in knots and strip you of your confidence.  Thankfully, RTT can quickly unblock the underlying cause of why you are stuck in this state and give you lasting relief.  My RTT hypnotherapy for anxiety literally pulls up the anxiety by its roots and rewires you to feel calm, confident and in control.

What my clients say

“Working with Sarah has changed my life. I was suffering severe anxiety and panic attacks and I could not go out or drive. My self confidence was rock bottom. Working with Sarah has changed everything. I am now going out, driving and my confidence is sky rocketing. I am now a better version of myself than I ever was. Thank you so much Sarah for giving me my life back.”
Anxiety Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

A distressing condition

Anxiety is really common, particularly since the pandemic, so you are not alone.

You may recognise some of these symptoms: 

– avoiding going places, meeting people or taking risks


– constantly thinking about “what ifs” and replaying scenarios

– weighed down by dread and fears

– feeling overwhelmed and that you can’t cope

Transform your life: pull anxiety out by its roots

Fight or flight mode

Anxiety is nature’s protective warning signal, alerting us to perceived danger by triggering our “fight or flight” mode.  This gives us a surge of adrenaline and raised heart rate and blood pressure – useful in tribal times when faced with a wild animal…

But truly crippling today when something happens to switch on this internal warning system when it’s not helpful.  This can happen as a result of an unresolved trauma (big or small) which has subconsciously programmed you to respond in this way.  

So your body is in “danger” mode when actually a calm, clear head is the state you want to be in to deal with life’s ups and downs.

Reclaim your calm

Thankfully with RTT hypnotherapy we can clear away whatever’s causing your mind to act like this and then rewire your mind into a healthier, more helpful response mode so you feel calm and resilient.

To free yourself of anxiety, we need to work with your subconscious mind to identify –  and then root out – what it is that has sent your “fight or flight” response into overdrive.  That’s really quick to do with RTT.

The underlying cause is different for everyone but
here’s some examples:

– “learning” anxiety because that’s how your parent responded

– being ridiculed as a child, creating a subconscious belief that it feels bad to step outside your comfort zone

– feeling unprotected and exposed in a nasty situation

I use a range of techniques to resolve the underlying cause and once we’ve cleared that out of the way, we can re-programme your subconscious mind to respond with calm and confidence. Typically after just one or two sessions clients experience radical transformation, free from physical and mental symptoms and feeling light-hearted and at peace.

Anxiety Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Just imagine a few days from could be

Taking everything in your stride

Feeling peaceful in body and mind

In control of your thoughts

Feeling calm, relaxed and happy

Seeing things realistically

Laughing more and feeling lighthearted

Anxiety Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

What my clients say

“Sarah is fantastic. She’s so supportive and understanding. I was in a real state when I saw Sarah. I’d had CBT, counselling, a psychiatrist and was still shaking, not sleeping, not eating, off sick from work, I couldn’t function at all. Within a week of seeing Sarah and listening to my recording I was eating well, playing tennis, seeing my friends again. I’ve just had the most amazing turn around and feel better than ever. I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”

Feel at peace, calm and confident