Fear of public speaking

Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy
Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

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Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

It’s natural to have a few nerves before speaking in front of an audience. But if speaking up in meetings or giving presentations fill you with dread and anxiety, this can be a real obstacle to enjoying your job and making progress.

Fear of public speaking is often rooted at the subconscious level and can typically be fixed after just one RTT session, so that speaking in public becomes exciting and  enjoyable – something you look forward to and feel confident about.

What my clients say

“I was always nervous around public speaking even though it’s an important part of my job and then I had a full on panic attack before a big client presentation. Sarah immediately put me at my ease and I knew I could work with her. She is very understanding and not at all “woo woo”. My session was absolutely amazing and I haven’t looked back. My anxiety around presentations cleared immediately and I’ve just become more and more confident and relaxed. I speak without notes when I need to at work, make jokes and I gave a speech at my wife’s 50th which I would never have done before. Such a turn around.”
Tony B
Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Getting ready to speak...


Speaking at update meetings or delivering presentations to colleagues or clients are central to many roles, and it’s important to communicate your message with clarity and confidence.  

But some people experience disproportionate anxiety around public speaking, preventing them from communicating with their desired impact and making them feel shaky and lacking in confidence.

Fear of public speaking can involve


– feelings of dread and overthinking 

– trying to avoid the situation 

– breathlessness, a racing heart, sweating

– fumbling over your words

– a full panic attack

Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Successful public speaking with Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Presenting with confidence


Often people feel totally at ease speaking in small groups or in one-to-one meetings, and think ‘why can’t I just speak like that in bigger settings?’   Speaking in larger, more formal settings is a different type of communication, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t feel every bit as calm and confident speaking in those environments.

Rooting out fear of public speaking with RTT hypnotherapy

The fear of public speaking is often rooted in unhelpful subconscious patterns.  So no matter how relentlessly you practise your speech or how many times you expose yourself to public speaking and try to push through, that anxiety will always show up.  Because using willpower alone won’t address the unhelpful emotional trigger that has become embedded at a subconscious level.

You can however rapidly and easily root out that anxiety response with a session of RTT hypnotherapy.  Using accessible and empowering techniques, we identify the underlying cause of the fear and clear it away.  We then retrain your mind so you are free to speak at events with calm and confidence.

Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

RTT hypnotherapy for fear of public speaking

RTT hypnotherapy is an empowering and easily accessible way to rapidly pull this fear out by its roots and feel confident and at ease speaking in front of any audience.

After just one session, you can

look forward to public speaking events

feel calm and confident in front of an audience

be happy speaking off the cuff

find a new confidence at work

Fear of public speaking Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

What my clients say

“I gratefully approached Sarah after a traumatic experience providing a weekly departmental update in front of the whole firm. Sarah has provided the most amazing help and guidance and has given me recordings to keep my mind at rest. Having altered my thoughts and processes, I have now overcome this lack of confidence and am happy to go to these updates like everyone else: no voice shaking and confident with what I am saying. I have honestly come on leaps and bounds. Thank you Sarah for your consistent help and for being there. Couldn't recommend her enough.”
Amanda R

Rapidly overcome your fear of public speaking and speak with ease

“Where focus goes, energy flows” 

– Tony Robbins, performance coach