Easter wellbeing ideas

Easter wellbeing tip from Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

Hello and happy Easter! Easter wellbeing ideas Clear Skies Hypnotherapy

However you’re spending this weekend, you’re bound to see a lot of eggs at this time of year… and that sometimes gets me pondering that old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I don’t know if that’s ever been answered. But I do know that there are things to do with our wellbeing where one state of being inevitably leads to another – in a kind of chicken and egg loop that you can use to make yourself feel better.

There are two things which control how we feel: our focus and our physiology.

Focus: what we focus on (the things we spend time thinking about or pouring our energy into) affects our emotional state. When we focus on what’s good in our lives, what we’re grateful for, we start to notice other positive things that are going on and it lifts our mood.  Because what you focus on, you get more of.  It’s like choosing a filter through which to view the world: just as if you choose a red filter, everything will look red, choosing a positive filter will help you see the good in the world around you.  

This is why the audio recordings I make as part of my hypnotherapy programmes focus on the outcomes people want – visualising what you want brings you the good feelings that will help get you there. And that is why sports stars visualise winning: vividly imaging the outcome they want is part of what drives their success.

Physiology: how we hold our bodies and how we breathe affects how we feel. Slump over, breathe shallowly, and look down. Try to feel happy. Good luck. Now throw your shoulders back, breathe deeply and laugh like you’ve been told the most hilarious joke. You’re going to feel good!

Focus and physiology work together in a chicken and egg loop: one leads to the other. Changing your focus can cause a change in your physiology; and a change in physiology can change your focus.

So if you want to feel better in a particular moment, try changing one of these things: think good thoughts or adopt a great posture. It will cause the other to change, and together, your improved focus and physiology will boost your emotional state. Do this repeatedly over time and you’ll be feeling like the Easter bunny all year round!

Of course, there are times when we need to dig deeper to get out of an emotional situation. If you’re ever feeling like that, do seek help, and if you want to discuss how hypnotherapy can bring about radical positive changes, get in touch for a free consultation.  

Enjoy the Easter weekend,

Sarah x